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An enduring state of agricultural emergency impacts humans, bees, and the environment
Vespa velutina in Turin
Apinverno: an Italian-French collaboration
Why it's worth being curious?
Predicting the toxicity of chemical mixtures in bees through machine learning
Uomini e api: l'arte insegna l'importanza degli impollinatori
Fungivorous mites enhance stingless bee health and their resistance to pesticides
Pollen as Food for Bees: Diversity, Nutrition, and Contamination
The complex effects that pesticides cause on bees
The long-term impact of a next-generation pesticide on bees
A neonicotinoid impairs male fertility in solitary bees
Pesticides: inadvertent anti-aphrodisiac in male bees
How much do you know about wild bees?
A new way forward for risk assessment of multiple stressors in bees
Bee health and sustainable beekeeping: the final report
Our new Lab website